Friday, February 6, 2009

I'm slowly starting to realize

Despite how much I try to quit, I'll always be addicted to McDonalds.
That although my handwriting is horrible, it is interesting. I'm starting to like it.
Change is money too.. I think I should start hitting up CoinSaver weekly.
Chocolate really IS the best comfort food, and to all you chocolate haters out there, well ... your missing out.
I truly can't wait to move. and shop for the new apartment :)
I'd be miserable without my bestfriend.
One day I will have a huge movie collection, and I'm slowly starting to build it now!
My new iclock has my heart, I'm not into super cool gadgets as much as I used to be, but I tell you... purchasing it was a total DO on the list of electronics to buy.
I feel bad our desoto mall is closing (gasp!) but I can't help but love the massive sales going on.
I need to be healthier. I work at a gym, its like good health is on a silver platter sitting right in front of me, and I just won't take it.
No matter what, I'll always be a fan of Britney Spears.
As hard as it is, I need to cut off Starbucks. $4.50 for a coffee? C'mon, even I'm smarter than that.
I think I'm going to go out and buy some new heels.
I still need a better wardrobe. I look like a homeless person half the time and the other half I'm in winter clothes (and I live in Florida? )
I miss painting my nails, and I miss the people who would paint theirs with me.
I never knew how small a newborn baby was until this week... they really do come out tiny!
As Republican as I am, I'm letting go of most of my angst towards Obama and hoping he does the right thing in office. Time will tell. I do miss Sarah Palin though :)
I love my work. I really do.
It was alot easier to become and stay tan when I was younger, whats happened since? I can barely keep a light tan.
The next couple months should be the best yet, as anxious I am to get out of town...I'm happy where my life is right now while I'm still here.
I'm at a crossroad with my hair.. I want to be blonder..but I also want to go back brunette. Ughh

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