Saturday, January 31, 2009

Free Week

This week has been nothing but Free. Wednesday was the Free Fall Out Boy show at State Theatre. As you can see in the picture, Sam and I made it in the shots they took for it. Friday I got free tickets to the NFL Experience event at Raymond James. What an event that was, although I'm not hardcore into sports (i.e. I don't want to stand in line for hours to get an autograph, I don't want to take a picture of the Vince Lombaro Trophy or whatever the name of it is, and I don't want to learn about all the different types of footballs,clothing,shoes, etc the football players wear) but after the run around at the event, we got to take advantage of more free stuff at The Prospect/Acafool show. (yes.. same stage, one right after the other). Free pizza, family guy seasons, shirts, drinks and more. Other than the weather feeling below was a good time.

I hope my life continues to be full of free stuff.

Friday, January 30, 2009

i never gave a damn about the weather, and it never gave a damn about me.

excuse me, but does this look/sound like what we here in bradenton have been getting all week? No. why the heck today? thanks mother nature.

A penny saved is a penny earned. I hate pennies, but it seems like I'm starting to become a magnet for change..its the only currency I have lately. Dear Lord, please let me save enough to move. I'm in dire need for a different atmosphere.
My dreams are back! This whole week I've had endless nights of dream after dream after dream. It feels good. Last night was a bit weird with old old friends in it regarding situations that are too weird for me to even write about, the night before I dreamt that andy bernard died in a racecar accident. (I won't go into detail, but my office obsession has hit an all time high) the truth is, I've seriously missed waking up with a hell of a story to tell.

I wonder if anyone else out there dreams like I do.
come on summer, hurry up and get here...

Sunday, January 25, 2009


as so it is..

when it comes to my mind, i'll be sure to write it here instead of rant to my friends.