Monday, June 8, 2009

Dream of 6/8/2009

So last night, I could barely sleep. I watched Titanic until I finally passed out (around 1230am) Anyways, I had one of the most realistic dreams ever! I felt the need to blog about it and then I will add some of the ideas has for the key aspects of it.

Alright, I can't 100% say where it started out, but I was feeling fine in my dream with some of my friends. I then realized that my throat was starting to close up a little bit, but I ignored it since every once in a while I usually get sore throats and they go away. Suddenly I realize that the bottom of my throat is swollen (like huge, 6in at least out of my neck) and super super sore to the touch (think stinging pain) anyways I then realize that my throat/tongue is swollen almost to the extent of not being able to breathe. I then too realize that my nose is stuffy but thankfully I can breathe a little bit through it. I suddenly start freaking out showing the people I'm with ( I can't remember who it was) but my main concern was to get ahold of Electra and let them know what was happening. So a little bit later, after the initial freak out,the swelling starts to go down and I start to feel a little better. I, for some reason, ended up at this outside picnic area with a bunch of people sitting at or around benches. I had my new laptop with me and about the time I noticed the swelling coming back, and the stinging pain coming along, I dropped my laptop in the sand. All of a sudden some guy comes up and tries to take it, I freak out, but can't barely say anything because of my throat, so he just starts scratching the cover of it and then proceeds to start scratching the back of it and dropping sand into the hard drive. I start crying and my throat pain gets worse, and so finally I get ahold of someone to take me to the hospital, and I start texting people letting them know whats happening (because I seriously thought I was dying) anyways, I start to notice that my lower back is starting to swell just like underneath my throat was, and stinging really bad to the touch. I don't know what exactly happened on my way to the hospital, but we took a side trip to take me back home because my stepdad was there and I wanted him to see my throat and help me. So, I'm standing in my room,and in walks my mother. Now in real life my mother is a Nurse and follows doctors orders and takes us to the doctors etc, but in my dream she was totally against getting my medicine and wanted to do natural healing on me. As well as her walking in with some natural book, she is surrounded by a bunch of jumping puppies. I'm trying to tell her, with my throat swollen shut, that I don't need her help and that I'm in a lot of pain etc, but shes not listening to me and the puppies keep jumping up to nearly my throat, all crazy like. Finally I get her to leave, and I tell thom (my stepdad) what had happened. Thats when I wake up. What a weird dream!!!

To see a litter of newborn puppies in your dream, is indicative of the amount of time that an idea has been developing or will take to develop. Look to the number of puppies to give you that approximate amount of time.

To dream that you are sending text messages, represents your connection to others and your network of friendships. The dream may also elude to romance.

To dream that you have a sore throat or have throat problems, suggests that you are having problems saying what you really think. You are having difficulties saying how you feel and conveying your thoughts. You may feel threatened when you express yourself. Alternatively, your dream may be telling you that you need to swallow your pride.

To see or dream that you are in a hospital, symbolizes your need to heal or improve your physical or mental heath. You need to get back to the flow of everyday life. Alternatively, it suggests that you are giving up control of your own body or that you are afraid of losing control of your body.

To see sand in your dream, signifies a shift in perspective or a change in your attitude. Consider the familiar phrase, "the sands of time" in which it may be suggesting that you are wasting your time or letting time pass you by.

To see or use laptop in your dream, suggests that you need to be able to reach out and communicate with others in any circumstance.

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